personalised COACHING

“A smart person learns from his mistakes, but a truly wise person learns from the mistakes of others.”

– Ken Schramm


We learn by doing and practising.

We double down your learning by highlighting the gaps in the practice and therefore keeping you on track to progress towards pitch perfect.


A$3,299 (1-HOUR PER WEEK)

Best suited for those who:-

Too early to pay for a coach?

We might have something just for you! 

Heard of ESOP (Employee Share Option Plan)? This could work, with a condition.
You’ll need to invest in knowing your Complexipacity before we invest with coaching.

reveal developmental potential (rdP)

The first question an entrepreneur often ask:

“Do I have what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur?”

Great question.

Personality test and psychometric studies, some of the most common human resource (HR) intervention tools, were deployed due to their ease of administration and measurement.

A major drawback of these closed or multiple-choice questions is that it only reveals the what and how, but not why. Importantly, they only looked back at past behaviours and experience, as the best indication to perform the current role in hire.

In today’s fast moving and uncertain world, we need a much more accurate prediction of one’s potential.

Even without the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), RDP demonstrated a far more accurate forecast of one’s potential, hence, not only assessing current but also future level of Complexipacity – the capacity of handling complexity.

RDP stands at a predictive validity score of 0.89, which means the long-term trajectory matches the result of the assessment 89% of the time. (Personality test with a validity coefficient score of 0.30, psychometric studies at a score of 0.45)

Brilliantly developed by Dr Sheila Rossan, practised and popularised by Jo Steen – author of The ChangeMaker Effect, we remove all the guessworks and show you the path to success.

Vern Chan - mentor at UNSW New Wave 2024 Program

RDP Assessment

Not Everyone Can Be An Entrepreneur.

At a one-off A$3,499, you’ll be able to uncover your present and future level of “Complexipacity” – the Capacity to handle Complexity.

A one-time investment (tax deductible in Australia) that will give you the clarity and direction that you’ve been craving for.

Hit the button below to BOOK this assessment NOW!


Book and pay for RDP assessment


If RDP assessment returns as a Game Changer based on future Complexipacity, a meeting will be arranged to understand the problem you’re trying to solve  


Coaching commence upon ESOP terms signed and agreed
(limited to 10 per annum)

As a startup coach, Vern is really patient and very keen in listening to what I had to say. She offered support as well as suggestions on how to improve and think outside the box. She was able to provide insights from different perspectives. Would recommend her if you want to have a fresh and different view on a problem that you have been stuck for a long time.

Ivan Yeo, Singapore